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ChristianityAfrican-American ReligionPuritanismNative-American ReligionIslam

Sharing your questions and insights on the following topics:

 Christianity: General
1. Heaven in Inherit the Wind
2. Seventh-Day Adventists and Health
3. Anti-Catholicism in the 1920s
4. Protestant Revivalism (1870-1940)
5. Native Americans and Christianity
6. Slavery and the Bible

 African-American Religion
1. African-American Spirituals in the Slave Community
2. African-American Spirituals: Perspectives from African-
    American Historians
3. African-American Lullabies
4. African-American Male Church Leaders
5. African-American Slaves and Christianity
6. Watch Meetings in African-American Religion
7. African-American Religious Ethics in the Antebellum South
8. Islam and African-American Slaves
9. Islam and African Americans Today

1. The Puritan Half-Way Covenant
2. Predestination since the Puritan Era
3. Predestination Today?
4. Puritans and "Young Goodman Brown"
5. Puritan Child-Rearing
6. Close-Packed Puritans

 Native American Religion
1. "Happy Hunting Grounds"
2. Native American Beliefs about the Afterlife
3. Native Americans & Animism /
    Native Americans in Academic Philosophy
4. Symbols in Southwest Indian Art
5. Nisga'a Indians in Canada and an Anglican Missionary
6. Shamans' Favorite Animals
7. Indians and Long Hair
8. Native Americans and Christianity

1. Americans' Perceptions of Islam
2. Islam and African-American Slaves
3. Islam and African Americans Today

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Revised: October 2000